Fairsea foundation

Created as a vehicle to support non-for-profits to raise and obtain funds, provide professional coaching services, or financial donation; our foundation was established to positively impact the broader community by doing and providing active support where it matters.

Andrew and his family have experienced residency in both remote communities and major cities across Australia. These experiences have created a unique perspective on community partnering, and left an inherent desire to actively do and support others. Leading from the front and demonstrating the values and behaviours that will shape future generations.

Our mission

Servicing others and our broader community through meaningful change. The building blocks of humanity is how we treat our kids.

Our Services

Supporting an array of non-for-profit and community groups through financial donation, raising of funds, and/or board or professional coaching appointments.

our position

Health, sport, education; partnering with those targeting children’s growth and nurturing developing generations.


is this a time-based service, or monetary-based service?

We offer options for both. It might be a one-off donation, support in raising funds, or time-based services, such as, coaching, or scheduled events and activities.

How can I speak with someone about partnering?

Simply complete the form on our contacts page and we will be in touch to arrange a time to speak with you. Average response time is 2 business days.

“remind yourself that past and future have no power over you, only the present, and that can be minimised. just mark off it’s limits, and if your mind tries to claim that it can’t hold out against that…well then, heap shame upon it.”

Marcus Aurelius